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Why Should I Top Up My Attic Insulation?

If you struggle and scratch your head each month wondering why your energy bills are so high, your attic may be the culprit. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, you could save anywhere from 10 to 50 percent on your energy bills just by insulating your attic properly—whether you are running your air conditioner or your heater.

These savings reach the high end during weather extremes and when energy costs skyrocket. You may not be able to control what energy costs, but you can control how much of it you consume with better attic insulation.

The goal of insulating your attic, of course, is to feel more comfortable and to save money on monthly energy expenses. Your level of savings will directly correspond to your home attic insulation project.

The more complete your assessment—how air-sealed your attic is, which is the right type of insulation for your climate and area code, what the best method is for putting in the new insulation, and what the right thickness is for the results you desire—the more you will save.

As well, you will save more in energy costs if you are not relying on your attic alone to do all of the insulation heavy lifting for your home. A well-insulated home and attic is the key to the lowest energy costs overall.

According to US News & World Report, sealing air leaks and heating ducts and insulating your attic are three of the top five home improvements that will save you the most money in home-related expenses long term.

There are many unsung home safety benefits that come with attic insulation. In the energy audit that precedes most attic insulation jobs, your home is assessed for air leaks, duct sealing, insulation gaps, ventilation/air circulation, HVAC/air furnace operation, and other important checks that can also highlight safety issues. If you have safety issues brewing in your attic, your home insulation project will highlight and fix these issues before they can manifest.

Even a complex attic insulation project will typically take only two days at most to complete. In those two days, you will receive the benefit of a pro’s expertise in ensuring your home and attic is insulated safely and effectively long term. This will increase your home’s resale value when it comes time to sell and keep your family cool (and warm) and safe for the balance of the time you live there.

In all of these ways and more, insulating your attic is one of those home improvement projects that is a win-win in every way.

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